The origin of the word acupuncture derives from the Latin acu, which means needle and from punctum, which means prick or puncture.
Therefore, acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic modality that uses needles, moxas and other instruments to stimulate energetic and chemical processes in the body.
Therefore, acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic modality that uses needles, moxas and other instruments to stimulate energetic and chemical processes in the body.
These substances have different effects on the body, for example: analgesic and anti-inflammatory, so acupuncture has the ability to relieve pain and other symptoms resulting from certain diseases.
It forms a very important part of Chinese Medicine. Among the multiplicity of areas of activity, its most documented application is in the treatment of various pathologies, such as:
• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
• Respiratory diseases;
• Neurological diseases;
• Gastrointestinal diseases;
• Uro-genital diseases;
• Psycho-emotional illnesses;
• Oncology;
• Dermatological diseases;
• Aesthetics and Obesity;
It forms a very important part of Chinese Medicine. Among the multiplicity of areas of activity, its most documented application is in the treatment of various pathologies, such as:
• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
• Respiratory diseases;
• Neurological diseases;
• Gastrointestinal diseases;
• Uro-genital diseases;
• Psycho-emotional illnesses;
• Oncology;
• Dermatological diseases;
• Aesthetics and Obesity;
Acupuncture is recommended for most patients, the treatment does not have considerable contraindications and has numerous advantages.
Advantages of Acupuncture:
1. Decrease in the use of medication, both for acute cases and for those of continuous use;
2. Security (look for a qualified professional, with a specialist title);
3. Speed of results (eg with pain reduction in a few sessions);
4. Absence of side effects.
Acupuncture will not only relieve pain, but also reduce muscle spasms and contracture, resulting in increased range of motion; as well as about the origin of the underlying dysfunction, not just about the symptoms.
What diseases can acupuncture be used for?
The World Health Organization lists more than 40 diseases for which acupuncture is highly indicated.
The needles used are single-use, sterile and unbreakable. In most cases, acupuncture is practically painless, as the needle has a very small diameter, up to 10 times thinner than injection needles.
After inserting the needle into the correct point, there may be a slight sensation, indicating the correct application of the point, with activation of local nerve endings; which in classical nomenclature is associated with the arrival of Energy, Qi.
Bear in mind that Acupuncture is a specialty of Natural Medicine, being part of Chinese Medicine. And, in Portugal, its exercise is protected by law, so the Specialist must have their own specific higher education and hold a Professional Card.
Advantages of Acupuncture:
1. Decrease in the use of medication, both for acute cases and for those of continuous use;
2. Security (look for a qualified professional, with a specialist title);
3. Speed of results (eg with pain reduction in a few sessions);
4. Absence of side effects.
Acupuncture will not only relieve pain, but also reduce muscle spasms and contracture, resulting in increased range of motion; as well as about the origin of the underlying dysfunction, not just about the symptoms.
What diseases can acupuncture be used for?
The World Health Organization lists more than 40 diseases for which acupuncture is highly indicated.
The needles used are single-use, sterile and unbreakable. In most cases, acupuncture is practically painless, as the needle has a very small diameter, up to 10 times thinner than injection needles.
After inserting the needle into the correct point, there may be a slight sensation, indicating the correct application of the point, with activation of local nerve endings; which in classical nomenclature is associated with the arrival of Energy, Qi.
Bear in mind that Acupuncture is a specialty of Natural Medicine, being part of Chinese Medicine. And, in Portugal, its exercise is protected by law, so the Specialist must have their own specific higher education and hold a Professional Card.