Hypnosis is a clinical procedure that, through the induction of a state of deep relaxation (through deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation) allows the person to access internal contents that in the waking state (awake) would take longer to understand, expanding thus awareness about yourself and about your psychic and emotional state. Therefore, this technique is characterized by the achievement of faster therapeutic results.
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique used by accredited professionals in the treatment of certain symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, increased appetite, etc.
In a hypnotic state, the patient does not cease to be conscious, therefore, it is not possible to instill any suggestion against his will or that contradicts his values and princiles. You are in an intermediate state between being sound asleep and being awake.
In this state, our brain produces alpha waves that are responsible for deep relaxation. And it is at this level of brain functioning that our sensory/intuitive perception works, thus, there is a greater assimilation and accommodation of new information.
In a hypnotic state, the patient does not cease to be conscious, therefore, it is not possible to instill any suggestion against his will or that contradicts his values and princiles. You are in an intermediate state between being sound asleep and being awake.
In this state, our brain produces alpha waves that are responsible for deep relaxation. And it is at this level of brain functioning that our sensory/intuitive perception works, thus, there is a greater assimilation and accommodation of new information.